Lets Get Back To Normal — GTFO !

Haseeb Chaudhary
4 min readApr 9, 2020

I’m glad there is finally some good news coming out regarding the virus and life here in Spain. A lot of friends and family have been asking what is like and asking us to stay safe, so I thought I’d describe a bit of what is going down.

Firstly a few facts: like the rest of Spain we’re in total lockdown. What that means is we can’t leave the house unless it’s to go to the supermarket or the hospital. If we do leave the house only one person can leave. There is no going out for exercise or a mountain walk.

There are regular police checkpoints scattered around the area, its a ‘on the spot 600euro fine’ or worse. I’ve actually seen people getting nabbed. Currently we live in Miraflores de la Sierra (mountains outside of Madrid) and I’d say we’re very much the luck ones as we have quite a bit of space in our garden etc. Centro Barcelona or Madrid city unfortunately is a different story. The last time I was in Madrid centro to run an errand, three weeks ago in-fact when the lock down was about to start: I saw two coffins and military ambulances — that was more than enough. I haven’t been back to the city centre since.

The Divide: Rich vs Poor

When discussing the virus and its dangers with friends my feelings are simple, those that downplay danger of the virus do so for same reasons as climate change: the response to these emergencies demand a choice between life or capital accumulation. Quite clearly they opt for the latter.

When I hear concerns that it’s going to hurt the economy long term its kind of irrelevant because Spain, like the rest of Western Europe, is relatively rich. What I mean by that there is excellent health care, free education, life expectancy is high, it’s safe and the quality of life generally is very good. This is a very fortunate position to be in and if the economy is on pause for a few months these fundamentals will not change. The virus will not result in any change to the status quo either.

Plunder Continues: The World is Not Getting Better

However, coups will still go on, the Middle East will still be attacked, structural adjustment plans and third world debt will still be there.

For instance researchers point out for every $1 dollar in aid, investment, trade, tourism etc to the Global South $2 leaves and ends up in the Global North. This is via corruption, trade frameworks and the usual suspects like no questions asked banking in Suisse and other tax havens. None of that will change. Nada. In-fact the gap between the rich and poor countries is getting worse.

Normal Was The Problem

Back to the virus. The good news is there are positives we can appreciate during the lockdown. My wife and myself learnt to make carrot halva…a punjabi delicacy of the highest order. Professionally, remote working has been a God send as it has given me tons of time to crack on with personal projects. Hope others who haven’t been struck by tragedy have also found positives.

Punjabi Carrot Halwa

Spain announced today that the authorities will start easing restrictions at the end of this month which is really hopeful news for people here. I’m sure it will take a while but hopefully the chain has been broken so to speak.

Also some promising news from Global South countries, for instance Pakistan where they’ve announced a possible ease on some restriction this month as well as monster infrastructure projects where by it seems the country is trying to build itself out of the financial pressures it faces. In addition Global South countries are leading the way with new welfare state mechnaisms as very recently reported. It seems the world really is changing.

Let’s hope things get better, we develop wonderful new habits and we don’t go back to normal because ‘the normal’ was the *ucking problem.

